ربط الحساب البنكي الامريكي المقدم من Payoneer مع PayPal - إمو التعليمية

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الاثنين، 16 يوليو 2018

ربط الحساب البنكي الامريكي المقدم من Payoneer مع PayPal

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حل مشكلة ربط الحساب البنكي الامريكي المقدم من Payoneer مع PayPal

We were unable to process your bank account registration at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again at a later date.

في الأول يجب تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابك PayPal

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Greetings PayPal,

My name is ZZZZ QQQQ. I have tried to add a U.S bank account on my profile but I am getting an error Message that says, "You cannot add a bank at this time". Please assist because I wanted to add this Bank account so that I can withdraw my PayPal earnings. These are the details of the bank that I tried to add on my PayPal which resulted to the above error:

Bank Name: bank name 
Account Type: Checking
Account No: XXXXXXX.

Any help accorded to me will be highly appreciated.


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بعدها ستصلك الرسالة التالية هذا مجرد روبوت وليس شخص حقيقي 
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Thank you for taking the time to email us. Customers who use this form tend to have questions about adding or removing a bank account within PayPal and I wanted to share some information that you may find helpful.

At this time, the country you are located in does not support the addition of local bank accounts. You may only add a US bank account to your PayPal account. This service limitation is due to the laws and financial regulations of each country. We want to ensure that once we open certain functions in various countries, that we are fully compliant with local and international financial laws to avoid difficulties down the line with our services. Rest assured that we are constantly working towards expanding the services that we are able to offer to all the countries that use PayPal. We will be sure to notify you once additional services and features are available in your country. For more information regarding the features available for a specific country, please click on the “Worldwide” link at the bottom of any PayPal page.

A. How do I add my US bank account?
B. How do I re-add my US bank account?
C. How often can I add my US bank account to a PayPal account?
D. How do I remove a US bank from my PayPal account?
E. How do I change the US bank name on my account?

We know this email does not answer every question about adding and withdrawing funds. If you would like more information, please reply with as many details about your situation as possible. The more specific you are, the better I will be able to help you. Thanks for being a valued customer.

Yours sincerely,


Copyright© 2013 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved.

Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

A. How do I add my US bank account?

Here is how to add a US bank account to your PayPal account:

Log in to your PayPal account.
Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
Click "My money."
Click "Update" next to "Bank accounts" and then click "Add."
Enter the bank's name, then select "Checking" or "Savings."
Enter the bank's routing number and your account number, then click "Continue."
Your routing number is the first set of numbers at the bottom of your check. The routing number usually has 9 digits.
Your bank account number is the second set of numbers at the bottom of your check.
If you receive the message, "You have entered an invalid bank routing number," you may have typed the number wrong, or we may not accept your bank.
Checking and savings accounts from the same bank may have different routing numbers.
You need to confirm your bank account before you can move money from your bank account to your PayPal account.

Here's how to confirm your US bank account:

We will make 2 small deposits (between $0.01 USD and $0.99 USD) to your bank account.
Wait 2–3 days for your bank to process the deposits, and then check your bank account to find out the deposit amounts.
Log in to your PayPal account.
Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
Click "My money."
Click "Update" next to "Bank accounts."
Click "Confirm" next to the bank account you want to confirm.
Enter the deposit amounts, and then click "Submit."
B. How do I re-add my US bank account?

The name on your bank account must match the name on your PayPal account. If you’ve changed the name on your bank account, remove the old bank account and add the bank account with your new name to your PayPal account.

Here's how to remove your bank account:

Log in to your PayPal account.
Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
Click "My money."
Click "Update" beside 'bank accounts.'
Click "Remove" next to the bank you want to remove.
Review your account information, and then click "Remove."

Here's how to add the bank account with your new name to your PayPal account:

Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
Click "My money."
Click "Update" beside "Bank accounts."
Enter your bank's information.
Review the account information and click "Add Bank Account" to add your bank account.
Your routing number is the first set of numbers at the bottom of your check.
Your account number is usually the second set of numbers at the bottom of your check.

C. How often can I add my US bank account to a PayPal account?

A bank account can only be linked to one PayPal account at a time. For security reasons, you cannot link a bank account that has been linked to 3 previous PayPal accounts.

If your bank account is already linked to a PayPal account that you do not use, consider using your old PayPal account instead of creating a new account. You can update your profile information on the old PayPal account and use it for your payments.

Here is how to delete your new PayPal account:

Log in to the new PayPal account.
Click "Profile."
Click "My settings."
Click "Close account" beside "Account type."

Here is how to get help with login information for your old account:

Go to the PayPal website.
Click "Problem with login?" under "Log In."

D. How do I remove a US bank from my PayPal account?

Here is how to remove a bank from your PayPal account:

Log in to your PayPal account.
Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
Click "My money."
Click "Update" beside "bank accounts."
Click "Remove" next to the bank you want to remove.
Review your account information, and then click "Remove."

If the account you are removing is your primary bank account, select a new primary bank account.

Here is how to select a new primary bank account:

Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
Click "My money."
Click "Update" beside "bank accounts."
Click "Make Primary" next to the bank account you want as your primary bank account.

E. How do I change the US bank name on my account?

Here is how to change the name of a bank account linked to your PayPal account.

Log in to your PayPal account.
Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
Click "My money."
Click "Update" beside "Bank accounts."
Click "Edit name," and then type the new name and click "Save."
إنتظر حوالي 24 ساعة إن وصلتك الرسالة التالية فمبروك عليك يمكنك ربط حسابك البنكي الأمريكي لتفعيل حسابك PayPal

Good day! My name is Toni from PayPal Consumer Support.

I called the number registered on your PayPal account for quick resolution, however, I was not able to reach you. I am glad to answer your concern through this email.

I validated some information in your PayPal account in order for the system to allow you to add your bank account to PayPal. Please log in to your PayPal account and try to add your bank account. We appreciate your patience in working with us to have this resolved.

We value your business and I'm very happy to have been able to provide you with the information needed to resolve your concern. Thank you for using PayPal. Take care and have a wonderful day!

We are always here to help. Call us at 1-402-935-2218 during these hours:

* 4:00 am PT to 10:00 pm PT, Monday-Friday
* 6:00 am PT to 8:00 pm PT, Saturday-Sunday

PayPal, an eBay Company
Copyright © 1999-2013 PayPal. All rights reserved.

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قد لايرسلون إليك أي رسالة بعد 24 سوف يتصلون بك على الهاتف ويكلمونك ويقومون بحل المشكل سريعا .
أي إستفسار ضع رد وسأجيبك إن شاء الله.

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